Song artists are local while others are global, but what matters most is that they make music that speaks to the soul.
The genre of the music is what draws you to specific artists, and listening to them every day assists in keeping you calm.
These song artists are now performing live on Instagram, and you can enjoy these virtual concerts without leaving your home.
These concerts are free, but if the artist needs more people engaged in the video, hiring services like ViralRace sells real followers for Instagram pages.
Real people will generate more real followers, which in return will cause the concert to go viral.
Now let’s dive into the details of why you should tune into multiple virtual concerts.
1. Practice Social Distancing
During this time, coronavirus is the pandemic that is sweeping the world.
People are no longer allowed to hang out in groups of 6 or more, and some areas are directing to refrain from groups larger than six.
These types of regulations leave people to only be around the people who live in the house with them unless they have to make a grocery run, are an essential worker, or have to leave their homes for an emergency.
The practice of social distancing is for countries to reduce the spread of the virus so that people can go back to their healthy lives.
2. Artists Are Home Too
All artists are becoming more active on their Instagram accounts; they are home too.
Not only that, but they miss their fans and want them to know that they are not in this alone.
Some of the song artists have in-home studios, while others set up their instruments and microphones in their living rooms, and they are giving a show that you will never forget.
Artists are performing these concerts inside their private spaces, but they are not holding back from sharing their homes with fans.
They are achieving goals to take your mind away from COVID-19, and yours too.
3. Concerts Are Free
Did you ever think you would be able to view your favorite artist from home, and then on top of that, the concert is free?
Instagram is a free platform to share videos and photos, so by your star choosing to share; it means they love their fans.
The average price for concert tickets climbs every year, and now it is totaling $96.17. Saving that more allows for spending it on something essential or buying something that you have wanted for some time.
4. Invite Your Friends
Anybody who has social media knows that it is all about liking posts and sharing them with your followers.
The friends you have wouldn’t be your friends if you didn’t have things in common.
Different tastes in music are shared, but if you know your followers are into the music you listen to direct them to a virtual concert, so they can beat the boredom that is starting to settle in their minds.
If your friends like what they see, they will also invite their followers (people you don’t know).
The artists will see the attention they are getting, and this will persuade them to prepare for more concerts.
5. Leave Comments
Virtual concerts on Instagram are the perfect way for fans to tell their favorite artists how they feel about the performance.
You are welcome to criticize, but also be mindful that the concert is at no cost to you. So, if you don’t like what you see and leave a negative comment, don’t be surprised if artists block you from their page.
Comments show the artist you are engaged, and if you are brave enough, ask them to perform your favorite song of theirs.
6. Support Your Artist
Independent artists are musicians or a group of musicians who do work for a record label.
These specific artists use their savings to make money, and if they are giving you free concerts, they do not benefit anything except the love of their fans.
Some are selling merchandise because they need to sell to keep some income.
The concert ticket money you saved by watching them for free on Instagram is perfect to use to support the artist so they can keep making music and give shoutouts on the next song.
7. Watch It Again And Again
Musicians love attention, and with Instagram analytics, they can see which posts are most engaging to viewers.
Unless they remove the video from their page, followers have the opportunity to watch the video again and again.
You will get to learn new dance moves and improve your stay at home attire to be similar to what the artist is wearing.
Tune In And Enjoy The Show
Staying home and staring at the walls will drive you insane, but music is known for lifting the spirit.
Song artists on Instagram of all genres are making the music available to you free from their homes.
They are asking from nothing from their viewers, except for them to stay inside and enjoy. Why not make the best of this time and view a live stream now.