Bogota: bike bonkers

Cyclists out enjoying Bogota’s ciclovia. Photo: Carlos Felipe Pardo CC BY 2.0

Colombian capital has higher number of daily bicycle users than any other Latin American city, study reveals

Bogota has the highest number of cyclists and the most extensive network of bike paths in Latin America, an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) study found.

With roughly 611,000 bicycle trips per day and 630 km of bike lanes, the Colombian capital is “one of the cities that works best in the region in that sense,” said Horacio Terrace, coordinator of the Emerging Sustainable Cities team at the IDB.

The report also noted that the Chilean capital Santiago ranks second in terms of bicycle usage, with some 510,000 daily bike riders, followed by Rio de Janeiro in third place, with around 217,000.

The boom in bicycle use is down to the fact that bikes are low-maintenance, not easily damaged by things like potholes, and see fewer accidents than cars, according to the report.

By Steven Grattan
