Continuing our focus on the mayoral elections, today we find out what Hollman Morris would like to achieve as mayor.

The race to see who will replace Enrique Peñalosa as Bogotá’s mayor – arguably the second most important position in the country – is hotting up. More than 25 candidates initially threw their hats into the ring, but that list has now been whittled down to four: Carlos Fernando Galán, Claudia López, Hollman Morris and Miguel Uribe Turbay.
Local elections will take place across the country on October 27 to elect mayors, governors, deputies and councilors. Those elected will take up their positions on January 1, 2020 and serve four-year terms.
Name: Hollman Morris
Age: 50
Party connections: Colombia Humana, UP and Maís
Background: Morris is a TV, radio and newspaper journalist who also stood in the city’s last mayoral elections. He’s worked for El Espectador, Radio Santa Fe, Contacto Radio, RCN and was appointed to manage Canal Capital by Gustavo Petro. His 2002 book, Operación ballena azul is about the M-19 and he co-directed a 2011 documentary called Impunity about paramilitary demobilisation.
If you are elected, what would you most like to achieve during your time as mayor?
Get ahead with the construction of the underground, and guarantee free public university access to all bogotanos.
When you have visitors to the city, what is your favourite thing to do with them/favourite place to take them?
A place I can’t find in other places or cities in the world, which is very us, very nice, with good food and music: Andrés DC.
What one word would you want people to use when they describe you?
Resilient, resistance, up-standing