In our look at each of the city’s mayoral candidates, today we hear from Miguel Uribe Turbay.

Name: Miguel Uribe Turbay
Age: 33
Party connections: Liberal, Centro Democrático, Conservador, MIRA, Colombia Justa Libres y Avancemos
Background: Bogotá-born law graduate has built his career in politics. Starting as councilor of Bogotá, he went on to become Chairman of the city council and was then appointed as Secretary of Government for Enrique Peñalosa. His grandfather was former president Julio César Turbay and his mother, Diana Turbay, was killed in a failed rescue attempt after being kidnapped by the Escobar cartel.
If elected, which of the points in your government plan would you most like to achieve during your time as mayor?
There are several priorities, here are a few that I would underscore:
1. That the citizens of Bogota can live without fear. Fighting theft with intelligent and predictive police; using tailor-made technology; ending the ‘ollas’ of micro trafficking in the neighborhoods, ensuring that public spaces are free of drugs, tracking down drug trafficking bands and lone drug dealers; and offering rehabilitation and opportunities for young people to prevent them from falling into addiction. I also aim to support families, strengthen our justice system and build a jail with 2,000 new places so that we can stop making excuses for criminals on the street.
2. Build the first Metro line and start the second towards Engativá and Suba.
3. Decontaminate the Bogotá river as well as the Fucha, Salitre, and Tunjuelo rivers.
4. Bogotá will be the city of science, technology, and innovation.
5. Bring universities to neighborhoods, using neighborhood schools as host sites at night.
When people come to visit from other places, what do you enjoy doing most with them / what is the place you prefer to take them to in Bogotá?
I would highlight the diversity that Bogotá has. For example, exploring market places, walking through the Historic Center and its museums, and going to the theater, or climbing up Monserrate.
Also, going to the Botanical Garden and Simón Bolívar Park, as well as going up in Transmicable to Mirador El Paraíso, in Ciudad Bolívar and touring the eastern hills and the Sumapaz Páramo.
What one word would you want people to use to describe you?
Consistency, knowledge, and transparency.