Dutch DJ and producer Joris Voorn will stop in Bogotá this weekend with his newest work, Four.
Reflexive atmospheres, dynamism, and groove will sound out loud in Armando this weekend thanks to the skills and experience of Dutch DJ and producer Joris Voorn. During Friday night, Voorn will present his more recent work, Four, a 14-song composition of melodies, soft textures, and fascinating percussion. Collaborators such as Lazarusman, Hælos, and Underworld contribute refreshingly new senses into the album.

When Baum club turns off its speakers and closes the doors, the remarkable brand keeps its activity alive through the promotion of parties and events. Joris last came to Colombia in 2019 when he played a pool party organized by Baum. This time, the promoters will take the artist into the ambience of a music hall and will connect a more genuine Bogotá crowd with the same sonic experience.
Versatility and crowd-recognising skills are the main traits behind Joris Voorn’s success. His arsenal of musical pieces influenced by contemporary genres like house, melodic techno and a touch of trance will be complemented with devices that are different from a traditional DJ setup. He has transcended two decades of activity in the electronic music circuit and will demonstrate how to party in another way, a digital way with a dose of humanity.
First release tickets were on sale for $55,000. The page allows various forms of payment such as PSE, debit card, credit card or cash payment or through Baloto points. If attendees want to access to a place with another perspective and more privileges, VIP tickets could be acquired for a value of $110,000. During the event there will be entry on the door at $70,000.